is the digital archive of Z’s creative and art direction practice.

©2023 is the digital archive of Z’s creative and art direction practice.

Every year Wordstock hosts Portland's Festival of Words, a weeklong extravaganza for writers. And every year, on a shoe string budget, they pull together a call-to-arms for attendees.

Our idea was simple. Let's get the people of Portland viewing the city the way writers do. Around each corner is a plot twist and every passer-by a potential character. To bring the idea to life we set out to plaster the city with location-specific stories and gave viewers a roadmap using #StoriesLiveHere.

With creativity and the help of our friends we pulled together a fun campaign on a shoestring budget within a condensed timeline. In the wee hours of the night we placed over a hundred stories around town — stories written by us, our friends and local literature enthusiasts.


My creative partner was Alex Derwin
Creative direction by Steve Luker, Mike McCommon and Scott Cromer
Additional writing support by Simon Armour, Claiborne Colombo, Steve Luker, Darcie Burrell, Kevin Jones, Smith Henderson, Christian Zerbel, Becca Wadlinger, Jesse Donaldson, Matt McCarron, Ondrea Beauchamp and Tommie Trujillo.